Simple Mindfulness Exercises For Daily Life

Simple Mindfulness Exercises For Daily Life

Simple mindfulness exercises are quick to perform and can be used to cultivate awareness. They can also be helpful in transforming everyday experiences into mindful moments.

One example is the 4-7-8 breathing technique, which can be performed while sitting in a chair and can take only 1 minute to complete. Another is a sensory observation exercise that involves blindfolding and moving around until the leader yells “freeze.”

Breath Awareness

Breath awareness is a basic mindfulness exercise that helps you become present. Start by sitting comfortably and noticing the sensation of your body against the support you’re on. You can count the breaths to keep track of your attention, or simply focus on feeling your chest or belly rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. When your mind wanders to a noise, thought, or another sensation, just acknowledge it and bring your attention back to the experience of breath.

You can also practice breath awareness during activities that happen throughout your day, such as showering, washing dishes, cooking, or gardening. This approach is called open awareness and can help you truly participate in each moment.

It’s also a great practice to use when you’re experiencing dynamic emotions, because it can help you connect with a deeper constant self that remains unaffected by them. You can try this meditation for as long or short a time as you like. However, it’s best to practice this regularly so that it becomes a habit.

Body Scan

This mindfulness exercise involves mentally scanning your body to pay attention to sensations like pain, tightness, pressure, heat, heaviness, and lightness. The goal is to soften and release these areas of tension, which can help to promote relaxation. It’s a great practice for those who struggle to sleep, and it can also be used to improve stress levels and anxiety.

This can be done in a variety of ways, from lying down on the floor to sitting in a chair or even on your bed. The goal is to focus on your breath and to gently move your awareness through the different parts of your body, from the feet to the head or vice versa, noticing any sensations that arise.

As you do this, if your thoughts come up, just let them pass and keep bringing your attention back to the body scan. This can take anywhere from three to 40 minutes, but starting off with shorter sessions is usually better for beginners. Eventually, you can work your way up to longer sessions if you wish.

Mindful Walking

Although seated meditation is often thought of as the most effective form of mindfulness, exercise and movement can also be incredibly calming. Mindful walking is a simple way to incorporate both into your day, as it can be done anywhere and requires no equipment.

While you walk, focus on how each foot connects to the ground and feels as it moves over different surfaces. Observe how the toes, balls and heels interact with the surface beneath you, paying special attention to any changes in temperature or texture.

If you notice your thoughts wander, don’t judge yourself. Simply bring your attention back to the physical sensations of walking, and continue bringing your awareness back to each step for the duration of your walk.

Practicing mindful walking can transform your everyday activities, turning the walk to work or the grocery store into an energizing, stress-reducing meditation session. With time, this technique can help you develop a more regulated polyvagal system, and promote a deeper connection to your body and the world around you.

Sensory Observation

One of the best things about mindfulness is that it doesn’t always require a lot of equipment or sitting in a specific position. You can incorporate it into daily activities, like eating or washing the dishes. Just focus on the sensations of each action – feel the soapy hands on your fingers; smell the aroma of cooking food; touch the rough surface of the garden soil.

Another popular mindfulness exercise is the Body Scan, which is a simple way to engage all of the senses. In this activity, participants lie or sit in a comfortable position and notice all of the different sensations they can feel on their skin, muscles, bones, and other parts of their body. This can be challenging, so if your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the experience.

You can also use sensory observation in your everyday activities, like listening to music. Take note of the sounds in your environment, such as birds chirping, the sound of the refrigerator humming, or even the rustle of leaves.

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is about paying attention to the physical experience of food and noticing your intentions before you eat. It supports healthy and positive relationships with food and helps adults refocus after disruptive emotions that can impact eating habits.

Another great mindfulness practice is to learn how to use the 4-7-8 breathing technique for a one minute meditation that you can do in the middle of the day at work. To do this, sit comfortably in your chair with good posture, close your eyes and focus on your breath, noticing when your thoughts wander, and gently bringing them back to the experience of breathing.

Practicing mindfulness doesn’t have to be done alone, and it can be a wonderful way to engage with others. Mindful listening is an effective skill that allows people to feel fully understood, supported, and heard. This can be used during conversations with family members, friends, or coworkers. It also can be used during group mindfulness exercises, like blindfolded movement, where participants move around the room at a slow pace to heighten their senses.

Gratitude Practice

When you focus on the good things in your life, it can help you feel happier. It can also give you respite from negative emotions and foster stronger relationships.

You can practice gratitude by naming something you’re thankful for when using the five senses: hear, see, smell, touch, and taste. This is an easy mindfulness exercise that can be done anywhere, even when you’re on the go.

Another great way to practice gratitude is by creating a gratitude journal. Each day, write down a different thing that you’re grateful for. Seeing these positive events written down helps you remember them, and research shows it’s more effective than just thinking about them.

You can also express gratitude to other people by telling them how much you appreciate them. This can be especially beneficial in work or community environments. When you’re able to tell someone how much you value them, it may encourage them to do the same for other people. This can lead to a chain reaction of kindness that has far-reaching effects.

Technology Detox

Mindfulness exercises come in all shapes and sizes. Some require special equipment or a quiet environment, while others can be done on-the-go in the midst of daily life. It’s important to find the practices that work best for you.

Try introducing one of these beginner mindfulness exercises into your daily routine. The more you practice, the more you’ll be able to build a mindfulness habit and create a better balance between your technology use and everyday life.

Take a look at your habits and identify any negative feelings you associate with technology. Then, start designing your digital detox. This could involve limiting the time you spend on certain apps or platforms, avoiding screens during meals, or practicing single-tasking (like watching TV and texting during Zoom calls). Eventually, you can begin to replace bad habits with good ones and improve your relationship with technology. If you need help tackling this challenge, consider talking to a mental health expert. They can provide valuable insights and strategies that will support you in achieving your tech-life goals.


Boosting emotional well-being through building self-awareness and enhancing self-compassion, mindfulness practices also improve cognitive function and mental clarity. The calming effect of mindfulness decreases stress levels, enabling people to respond to life’s challenges from a position of strength and flexibility instead of being overwhelmed by impulsive reactions.

Mindfulness exercises can be as short as one minute. The important thing is to practice regularly and systematically. As you begin to do so, you’ll find that it becomes easier to focus on the present moment, and your mind will begin to settle as you return to the exercise each time it wanders.

Another simple mindfulness exercise is the “raisin test.” The participant places a single raisin in their hand and closes their eyes to concentrate on the texture, color, smell, and taste of it. If their thoughts wander, they gently guide them back to the exercise. This is a great introductory mindfulness exercise because it’s easy for beginners to do and requires no special props or equipment. In addition, any physical activity can be used to refocus the mind and body on the present moment.